Monday, August 20, 2007

Lotus Notes 8 - The hype

There are so much hype around Lotus community on Lotus Notes 8. I remember the hassle of migrating from Domino 5 to 6. We had more than 100 applications to test and to make sure all the functions are working properly. Now for 6 to 8, I wonder how much work it will take. I've yet to actually test existing application on Domino 8. How will current application fair on the new Eclipse based client? Looking forward to see what other people's experience of upgrading to Domino 8. But not looking forward for the hassle to test all the applications before upgrading.


Anonymous said...

Rational Functional Tester to the rescue? (For Domino - yes, for Notes clients - perhaps)

William Beh said...

Thanks Stephan, will try it out. Just wondering budget will permit to use it :) As you point out, for Notes clients, that will cover 60%. Another 40% web app to go :)

Anonymous said...

Have been using Notes 8 for at least 4 months now, since beta 2. Now using gold release. Have about 150 apps in my workspace (notes based apps). Haven't noticed a single problem with them.

tobimagwire said...

no problem also for my apps, infact we demonstrate it here in Lotus 8 Events in the pHilippines